Bus Information
School bus routes were delivered to families in a secure email on Thursday, August 18, 2022. Please check your email accounts for that message to access the bus route files. If you cannot access the bus route files or did not receive the email please contact the main office of your child's school or contact Kathy Leonardi
Nashoba Regional HS | 978-779-2257 |
Florence Sawyer School | 978-779-2821 |
Center School | 978-897-0290 |
Hale Middle School | 978-897-4788 |
Mary Rowlandson ES | 978-368-8482 |
Luther Burbank Middle School | 978-365-4558 |
Please review the Bus Concerns Reporting Protocol should you have a concern or question regarding the district's school bus transportation.
Dee Bus contact - Nan Kelly at 978-733-1047 or Send me an email